Home Details
LOWERED PRICE FROM 1.09 MIL , Address is 4648-62 Frankford Ave , Philadelphia, Pa , total 8 addresses , total 5 main units such as
A: 4648-4650 Frankford Ave: Joseph's unisex clothing ( NO 2nd floor ) B: 4652-4654 Frankford Ave: Joseph Sporting ( 2 story building ), 4648-4654 Frankford Ave : wide open, 1st floor and It had been using for shoes & clothing store for 30 years , closed now ., Joseph 's sports and shoes : huge size , over 10000 sqf , good for business that needs super large size, C: 4656-4658 Frankford Ave : 2 addresses , furniture store now , open now , occupied tenant ( 2 story building ) . D: 4660 Frankford Ave: tenant occupied , operating hair salon ( single story building ) , E: 4662 Frankford Ave : tenant occupied , grocery store ( single story building ), great pernituerto , under blue line subway station , annual gross rental income from FURNITURE & HAIR SALON & GROCERY store ( 3 tenants) is $45,600.00 , Not for sale separately , investment / owner use property , ideal for several.
Presented By: PK PROPERTY INC.